We're building accessible and open software for everyone.

One of Deepcore's core mission ideas is building free, open and accessible software that anyone can use. We believe in an open and free internet, and many of our products express that belief.

# set up build environment
FROM node:lts-alpine AS build

# build app
RUN apk add yarn
WORKDIR /build
COPY . .
RUN yarn
RUN yarn build

# entry point
FROM node:lts-alpine
COPY --from=build /build/.output .

CMD [ "node", "./server/index.mjs" ]

Building with industry standard technologies

Our team

At Deepcore, we're a small startup that's made up of people who are passionate about our values and enjoy making software.

  • DecDuck

    Senior Developer & Sysadmin

    DecDuck is one of our lead engineers and he mostly built, maintains and updates much of our core infrastructure. In addition, he works on a variety of our products.

  • quexeky

    Senior Developer

    quexeky works as a Senior Developer and heads up quite a few of our more ground-breaking projects, and contributes to many of our core offerings.

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